Touch Screen Not Working? Try This!

If you are having issues with the touch screen or if the touch screen is not responding, follow these steps below.

Step 1

Make sure the USB connection is securely plugged into the computer.

Step 2

Next, unplug the usb plug, wait 10 seconds, and plug it back in. Wait 1 minute and see if the computer registers the touch screen. A popup window may show up that says new hardware has been installed if this is your first time installing. Now test the touch screen to see if it is working.

Step 3

If step 1 and 2 did not resolve the issue. Make sure all the cables are securely plugged in and reboot your computer. After getting back to the desktop, wait 1 minute and test the touch screen to see if it works.

Step 4

If the touch screen is still not working, contact our phone support to go over more advanced steps to help troubleshoot the issue. Phone: 888-623-2004 (x223)